A Lack of Joy is Unbelief/A Wrong Understanding of the Truth

Read this verse before reading this post: Philippians 4:4 (hover over or tap it)

I was listening to this sermon by Andy Constable and this simple truth that popped into my head from what he was preaching was just so good I had to write it down:

When we don't have joy in the Lord, we are not understanding what we have been given through Christ rightly.

It's kind of like my kids who sometimes complain because we aren't allowing them to have electronics time. They say they are so bored and there is nothing to do. They act as if their very soul is in unrest and all is lost. I try to explain to them the fact that they are bored shows that all their needs are being met.  They never get it. But sometimes I explain further. They have food. They have a roof over their head. They have leisure time.* Well, us adult Christians can be doing the same thing. When we lack joy we are in a state of unbelief and are not realizing the insanely amazing ways we have been richly blessed through Christ. Not only is our eternal destiny guaranteed, but we have been given Christ's righteousness, not of our own, so that we can be in a relationship with our creator God now. Today. In that there is much to rejoice in, but we keep on forgetting it and must constantly remind ourselves of it.

*I would be remiss to not say that our kids are actually pretty great and constantly hospitable and kind and giving of their things and time to people we have over and other kids from troubled families that we bring into our home and I love them and am super proud of them.
