Dichotomy of Christian character:
Companion Bible study book?
It is both the privilege and the duty of every Christian to pursue godliness
The meaning of godliness: Devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to him.
A personal attitude toward god that results in actions that are pleasing to God, in other words devotion to God. But it is always devotion in action not just a feeling.
Some people may seem to be very successful Christians but they are still not godly because they are not devoted to God.
Devotion to God:
Jesus delighted in the fear of God
Primary meaning of the Fear of God:
Veneration and honor, reverence and awe
It is impossible to be devoted to God if one's heart is not filled with the fear of God
How much we appreciate God's love is conditioned by how deeply we fear him.
The deeper our perception of God's love to us in Christ, The more profound our reference and awe of him.
He doesn't think about other Christians whom we know we're way behind Paul in their devotion to God and their attainment of godly character Paul never waste time with trying to compare himself favorably with less mature Christians. He compares himself with God's standard. And he consequently sees himself as the worst of sinners.
The desire for God produces an aura of warmth. Godliness is never austere and cold, such an idea comes from a false sense of legalistic morality
Train yourself to be godly
If Timothy needed this encouragement then surely we also need it today
We tend to be lazy when it comes to exercise in our own spiritual lives
The object of this training was growth in Timothy's personal spiritual life
Irreducible minimums:
A competent teacher or coach
Practice and more practice
With sermons:
We do not to take to heart what we hear and apply it in our daily lives – we present day Christians.
Without a reading plan of the entire Bible we would not only be spiritually ignorant but spiritually impoverished
Studying the Scriptures:
Reading gives us breadth but studying gives us a depth
Bible memorization:
Store it in our hearts
Meditation on Scripture:
Bare memorization only gets the Scriptures into our minds. meditation on those same scriptures opens our understanding, engages our affections, and addresses our wills.
It is impossible to meditate on scripture day and night without some form of memorization
Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. And godliness with contentment is great gain. 1st Timothy 4:8, 6:6
To seek to grow in our awareness of the love of God without also growing in our reverence and awe of him can cause us to view God as a permissive and indulgent heavenly father Who does not deal with our sin
- THE SHACK is unbalanced in its view of God in this way
We must have a balanced devotion:
(desire is on the top of the triangle)
Pray for growth
Psalm 86:11
Give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name
Put the three versus above somewhere and pray over them regularly
3 areas of devotion for godliness:
Check out the verses Jerry abridges uses to remind him of God's Majesty and Holiness
It is vain to pray for an increase of the fear of God in our hearts without meditating on passages of Scripture that are particularly suited to stimulate that fear.
Check out Jerrys passages on God's love
Reading and memorizing is not enough we must also meditate on these verses but even that is not sufficient. The Holy Spirit must make his word come alive to our hearts to produce the growth. So we must meditate and prayerful dependence upon him to do his work. Neither meditation or prayer are sufficient by themselves, we must practice both.
The primary objective of our quiet time should be fellowship with God, developing a personal relationship with him, and growing in our devotion to him.
Approaches reading the Bible as a conversation with God and speaks to God while he is reading about what he is reading. THIS is so cool!
If we do not fear God we will not think it is worthwhile to obey his commands
- Sternness with ourselves
- Tenderness toward others
Companion Bible study book?
Chapter 1
It is both the privilege and the duty of every Christian to pursue godliness
The meaning of godliness: Devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to him.
A personal attitude toward god that results in actions that are pleasing to God, in other words devotion to God. But it is always devotion in action not just a feeling.
Some people may seem to be very successful Christians but they are still not godly because they are not devoted to God.
Chapter 2
Devotion to God:
- the fear of God
- the love of God
- the desire for God
Jesus delighted in the fear of God
Primary meaning of the Fear of God:
Veneration and honor, reverence and awe
It is impossible to be devoted to God if one's heart is not filled with the fear of God
How much we appreciate God's love is conditioned by how deeply we fear him.
The deeper our perception of God's love to us in Christ, The more profound our reference and awe of him.
He doesn't think about other Christians whom we know we're way behind Paul in their devotion to God and their attainment of godly character Paul never waste time with trying to compare himself favorably with less mature Christians. He compares himself with God's standard. And he consequently sees himself as the worst of sinners.
The desire for God produces an aura of warmth. Godliness is never austere and cold, such an idea comes from a false sense of legalistic morality
Chapter 3
Train yourself to be godly
If Timothy needed this encouragement then surely we also need it today
We tend to be lazy when it comes to exercise in our own spiritual lives
The object of this training was growth in Timothy's personal spiritual life
Irreducible minimums:
A competent teacher or coach
Practice and more practice
With sermons:
We do not to take to heart what we hear and apply it in our daily lives – we present day Christians.
Without a reading plan of the entire Bible we would not only be spiritually ignorant but spiritually impoverished
Studying the Scriptures:
Reading gives us breadth but studying gives us a depth
Bible memorization:
Store it in our hearts
Meditation on Scripture:
Bare memorization only gets the Scriptures into our minds. meditation on those same scriptures opens our understanding, engages our affections, and addresses our wills.
It is impossible to meditate on scripture day and night without some form of memorization
Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. And godliness with contentment is great gain. 1st Timothy 4:8, 6:6
Chapter 4
Seeking a deeper devotionTo seek to grow in our awareness of the love of God without also growing in our reverence and awe of him can cause us to view God as a permissive and indulgent heavenly father Who does not deal with our sin
- THE SHACK is unbalanced in its view of God in this way
We must have a balanced devotion:
(desire is on the top of the triangle)
Pray for growth
Psalm 86:11
Give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name
Put the three versus above somewhere and pray over them regularly
3 areas of devotion for godliness:
- Fear of God
- Love of God
- Desire for God
Check out the verses Jerry abridges uses to remind him of God's Majesty and Holiness
It is vain to pray for an increase of the fear of God in our hearts without meditating on passages of Scripture that are particularly suited to stimulate that fear.
Check out Jerrys passages on God's love
Reading and memorizing is not enough we must also meditate on these verses but even that is not sufficient. The Holy Spirit must make his word come alive to our hearts to produce the growth. So we must meditate and prayerful dependence upon him to do his work. Neither meditation or prayer are sufficient by themselves, we must practice both.
The primary objective of our quiet time should be fellowship with God, developing a personal relationship with him, and growing in our devotion to him.
Approaches reading the Bible as a conversation with God and speaks to God while he is reading about what he is reading. THIS is so cool!
If we do not fear God we will not think it is worthwhile to obey his commands
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