Today the main preaching pastor from my church told another intern and I he would like us to preach one Sunday morning this summer! I could not be more excited! Ever since I had the privilege to preach to adults for the first time at the Union Gospel Mission I have been wanting to study another text and prep and write another sermon and preach again! I have also contacted another pastor in my home town that I grew up going to church with and he said that he will fit me in his schedule to preach at his church sometime this year. I can't wait! This is what I want to do with the rest of my life, grow in preaching and shepherding to build up the body of believers at whatever church God would have me at. I am grinning from ear to ear right now.
UPDATE 4/16/2019
I was given the option to preach from the text scheduled for the morning I'm preaching or to choose another text. I chose to preach from the scheduled text which is most of Matthew 13, the section with many of Jesus' parables. It is 52 verses, so a lot of text to preach on, but the text is also divided up into pretty distinct sections. I am so excited! I've really been enjoying the early study work on the text of just reading it over and over again. More and more jumps out to me the more I read it. Then once I feel I've exhausted my thoughts on it I'll turn to my study bibles and bible commentaries borrowed from my pastors. I could not be more excited about this privilege to preach to the church. I am going to bring a well prepared and practiced sermon.
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