Note: all of this information is from Allen Parr's video How Did We Get All of Our Denominations and Why Do We Have So Many? and I give full credit to him for doing the research and having the knowledge. His video is super helpful. I just wanted to put my notes from watching his video here.
Roman Catholics: You're saved by the grace of God, but also through all this other stuff we made up that's not in the Bible but helps us maintain power.
Lutherans: Martin Luther read the Bible and got wise that a person is saved by grace through faith in Jesus, not by works or anything we do.
Presbyterians: The church should be governed by overseers/elders/presbyters. John Knox was the dude behind this and he was heavily influenced by John Calvin. Calin is behind something called Calvinism which is a belief that salvation is a work of God that we respond to in faith and that our salvation cannot be lost.
Baptists: We shouldn't be baptizing infants. It's only for those who believe. Also that word baptism comes from the Greek word baptismo has to do with immersion, not sprinkling. Also not under any sort of church government but independently ran. Also believe once saved always saved.
Methodists: Founded by John Wesley. The Christian life should be done in a more methodical way, and the church service too. They're Arminian, not Calvinist and believe you can lose your salvation and therefore you must work to maintain it.
Seventh Day Adventists: Started by Ellen White. Strict about the seventh day being the sabbath day, like Jews. Also have some other differing beliefs about hell.
Pentecostals: Huge revivals happened from 1906-1915 where people believe there was a revival of spiritual gifts and many miracles were taking pace. They believe it was a revival of the day of Pentecost like in the Bible when the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus's disciples and gave them power to be his witnesses. They're super focused on spiritual gifts, speaking in tongues, prophecy, healing, and the like.
Charismatics: From Pentecostals, but focus even more on the spiritual gifts. Got the name from the Greek word Charismata which is the word for gifts.
Non-Denominational: We're not any of those denominations and don't attach ourselves to any of those. Lots of variation here as you can imagine.
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